Lake Reports > Bartlett

Bartlett 5/16/10


After my now usual mis-adventure's causing me to miss the Alamo trip, I hit Bartlett Saturday night to further drown 6 dozen minnows.  Set up in the river arm north of the no-wake bouys, in about 30' of water, about 100 yards south of Ship Rock.  Set out the submersible lights fore and aft, and 1 lantern over the side, about middle of the boat.  About 8:00 P.M. startied getting lots of bugs and bats!  Minnows and shad showed up about 9:00 and the fun began.  At times had a few hundred to a few thousand, minnows and shad circling the boat.  Lots of fish jumping and minnows popping out of the water, but no real fish catching action.  Tried slip bobbers with minnows at various depths, casting jigs, and just dropping a hook, minnow, and small weight.  Ended up with 8 small crappie about 7" to 10" in length, small but fat, which I let go, 6 bass and, 1 catfish.  Had about 10+/- hits where the bobber laid flat or sbmereged, went to real in and no fish on the line.  Seemed like any resistance caused them to spit out the minnow.  Fished till about 2:00 A.M. then called it quits.  Anchored in a cove just upstream and fished a bit in the morning. Caught a couple more bass, but best part was I had 2 river otters paying about 10 yards from me along the shore.  Of course, I couldn't get my damn camera on my phone to work, so no pictures.  Better than sitting at home, but wished I was at Alamo.   

Sounds like you had more night fishing action at Bartlett than we did at Alamo, maybe it wasn't a too bad of a trip for you. :)

Otters are so cool. I hope to see them one day up there. I have never gone up into the river channel though which is where I keep hearing reports of them.


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