Lake Reports > Alamo

Good fishing and good news


Happy Fathers day to all the Dads out there.

Fished Alamo yesterday for a pretty good catch trolling cranks but the better news for the lake is they already cut the release to the normal 25'ish CFS with it still above conservation pool by several feet.   :dance:

Thanks for the report, that is good news.

Thanks for the report Bob.  What time of day did you fish?  how many did you end up catching?

0730 to 1400.  Took a few hours to locate them at first.  Ended up keeping enough for many meals.  They were very deep and hard to target. 


--- Quote from: Bob on June 18, 2023, 06:24 AM ---Happy Fathers day to all the Dads out there.

Fished Alamo yesterday for a pretty good catch trolling cranks but the better news for the lake is they already cut the release to the normal 25'ish CFS with it still above conservation pool by several feet.   :dance:

--- End quote ---

Ya till the Corp of Engineers releases their new water management plan that is a year overdue and the put the priority on riparian flush down stream for trees over the lakes level and recreational use :angry4:


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