Lake Reports > Bartlett

Forest Service may close Bartlett lake?


I guess there is a real big blue green algae bloom at Bartlett lake, presently the lake is open but FS said depending on the results of tests on the algae they might have to close the lake for public safety :dontknow: they are advising people to stay out of the water completely along with pets etc. Saw a quick mention on one of the news channel where they are saying people should not fish either? but can not find anything on the web other than the present warning from TNF

I hadn't heard they'd close it for fishing (yet).  But do wonder what all the skiers and summer fun people are doing there.  My guess is it's still a zoo there on the weekends but if they close it I can't imagine how Saguaro or Pleasant could get any busier.

This was Bartlett 6 years ago for miles and they didn't close the lake.

g and f says there is no restrictions on fishing Bartlett and that the blue/green algae bloom is not toxic to fish and fish are safe to eat, it seems to be clearer up lake in the river than down lake. If the lake closes it will be TNF decision for liability reasons.


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