Lake Reports > Bartlett

Bartlett Water Level Update


Saw this on Facebook from R.D. Wooten:
> I was at Bartlett today. The water is really down. I saw the Tonto Forest ranger and he indicated that the yellow cliffs ramp will be closed starting next week. He also told me that horseshoe is virtually full and they’ve been working on the damn. Once that project is complete they will release the water into Bartlett. Hopefully this will be by the end of December.

Ya it has been a mess at Bartlett, the lake drops down like it is now then SRP releases 2000cfs for several days thru the spill ways brings it back up then the cycle starts again, the drain valves at Horseshoe are malfunctioning the only way they can release any real water is thru the spill ways they will probably do a big release here again in a week or so I think?


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