Lake Reports > Bartlett

Bartlett 6-12-2010


Do to some stuff going on at home I couldn't make the AZCA Plez trip so I decided to make a quick run to Bartlett. I trolled grubs and cranks up river from 2:30 pm  to 6 pm through a major moving flotilla of drunken lake lice. You know, the kind that play terrible music, don't know what "no wake" means, and pass by you close enough to cast a 1/32 oz jig to.

Ended up with 8 Crappie, 3 bass and 2 little cats. The Crappie were smaller but hit the baits like a freight train. The Lavander Shad Wally Marshall cranks did the best. The fish were in shallow water (12 to 20') about 10' below the surface.

On the way out I passed lots of boats coming in. From what I hear the night bite is really good right now. But that's the last time I try to fish it during the day on a weekend during the summer. Dang place was worse than Sag on a Saturday.

Fish Hawk:
That front must not have not shut down Bart as bad as Plez. Sounds like you had a pretty productive couple of hours.

thank god for weekdays, been quiet out there on the weekdays, never thought bartlett was that bad on weekends for lake lice? guess times have changed.

glad you got into some fish Billy, sorry the idiots were out in force.

It was as bad as any lake I've seen on a non-holliday weekend.

Need to figure out a way to put some speed bumps out there, or string some wire across the lake.


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